Spitzer Sees a Baby Star Blowing Bubbles

17 years ago

A new image released from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows a baby star blowing bubbles, just like, I guess, a…

Black Holes Linked to Cosmic Rays

17 years ago

You know that big list of unsolved mysteries in astronomy? Well, you can remove, "what causes the highest energy cosmic…

Rosetta Is Returning to Earth for Another Flyby

17 years ago

Mark your calendars for November 13th, 2007. That's the day ESA's Rosetta spacecraft will be making a close encounter with…

Station Astronauts Wrap Up Leftover Tasks

17 years ago

Although Discovery returned safely to Earth, there were still a few unfinished tasks. The astronauts on board the International Space…

“Student Questions” for Astronomy Cast

17 years ago

If you're a student or teacher, and you're working through astronomy right now, we'd like to help you out. Pamela…

Is China Building a Space Station?

17 years ago

There are mixed reports coming out of China on their plans to loft a space station by 2020. A Chinese…

Discovery Lands Safely in Florida

17 years ago

NASA's space shuttle Discovery touched down in Florida today, landing at Kennedy Space Center, and wrapping up a successful assembly…

First Look at the Orion Crew Module

17 years ago

I know it seems like we've had the space shuttle forever, and will have it forever, but the program will…

Fifth Planet Found Orbiting 55 Cancri

17 years ago

Our Solar System has 8 planets, but another, 55 Cancri, is catching up fast. Astronomers today announced the discovery of…

Astrosphere for November 6th, 2007

17 years ago

For the photo... it's Comet Holmes! I know, a big surprise, but I'm going to keep on hitting you with…