Watch This 12-Year Timelapse of Exoplanets Orbiting Their Star

2 years ago

Back in 2008, astronomers made a big announcement: for the first time, they had taken pictures of a multi-planet solar…

Freezing Ocean Might Not Be Responsible for Cryovolcanic Flows on Pluto’s Moon, Charon

2 years ago

In a recent study scheduled to be published in the journal Icarus in March 2023, a team of researchers led…

South Korea’s Danuri Mission Sends Home Pictures of the Earth and Moon

2 years ago

The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) both ended 2022 and started 2023 on a very high note as its first-ever…

Soon We’ll Detect Extreme Objects Producing Gravitational Waves Continuously

2 years ago

The cosmic zoo contains objects so bizarre and extreme that they generate gravitational waves. Scorpius X-1 is part of that…

The Outer Solar System Supplied a Surprising Amount of Earth’s Water

2 years ago

In a recent study published in Science, a team of researchers at Imperial College London examined 18 meteorites containing the…

Scientists Examine Geological Processes of Monad Regio on Neptune’s Largest Moon, Triton

2 years ago

In a recent study submitted to the journal Icarus, a team of researchers at the International Research School of Planetary…

Astronomers are Working on a 3D map of Cosmic Dawn

2 years ago

The latest results from the HERA Collaboration suggest how the earliest galaxies in the Universe slowly dispelled the cosmic "Dark…

Future Space Telescopes Could be 100 Meters Across, Constructed in Space, and Then Bent Into a Precise Shape

2 years ago

An MIT team proposes a new method for in-space assembly to built a self-adjusting 100 m (328 ft) space telescope

NASA has Simulated a Tiny Part of the Moon Here on Earth

2 years ago

Before going to the Moon, the Apollo astronauts trained at various sites on Earth that best approximated the lunar surface,…

Astronomers Prepare to Launch LuSEE Night, A Test Observatory on the Far Side of the Moon

2 years ago

Astronomers have not yet been able to map large portions of the radio emissions from our universe because of interference…