Truck-Sized Asteroid Flew Past Earth Yesterday, Coming Within 3,600 km

2 years ago

On January 26, a truck-sized asteroid flew past Earth, coming extremely close – within 3,600 km (2,200 miles) above the…

Webb NIRISS Instrument has Gone Offline

2 years ago

The JWST is having a problem. One of its instruments, the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS,) has gone…

Lucy Adds Another Asteroid to its Flyby List

2 years ago

In October 2021, NASA launched its ambitious Lucy mission. Its targets are asteroids, two in the main belt and eight…

Astronomers Pin Down the Age of the Most Distant Galaxy: Seen 367 Million Years After the Big Bang

2 years ago

Staring off into the ancient past with a $10 billion space telescope, hoping to find extraordinarily faint signals from the…

Perseverance Takes a Selfie to Show off Some of its Samples

2 years ago

One of the main jobs for the Perseverance Mars rover past few weeks has been collecting carefully selected samples of…

There's a Crater on Mars That Looks Like a Bear

2 years ago

Facial pareidolia is the human tendency or illusion of seeing facial structures in an everyday objects – such as seeing…

According to Simulations, the Milky Way is One in a Million

2 years ago

Humanity is in a back-and-forth relationship with nature. First, we thought we were at the center of everything, with the…

Study Shows How Cells Could Help Artemis Astronauts Exercise

2 years ago

New research aims to ensure astronauts' health by mimicking the human body's response to exercise.

Spectacular Images of the Rare ‘Green Comet’ Gracing Our Skies

2 years ago

A rare ‘green’ comet is passing through our Solar System and astrophotographers have been out capturing photos. While this comet,…

Physicist encourages continuing the search for life in Venus’ atmosphere

2 years ago

In a recent paper accepted to Contemporary Physics, a physicist from Imperial College London uses past missions and recent findings…