Dust is Hiding how Powerful Quasars Really are

2 years ago

A new study has found that Active Galactic Nuclei are much brighter and similar to one another than previously thought.

A New Survey of the Milky Way Reveals Billions of Objects, Helping to Map Our Surroundings in Three Dimensions

2 years ago

The Dark Energy Camera Plane Survey 2 (DECaPS2) is out. This is the second data release from DECaPS, and the…

JWST Sees Frozen Water, Ammonia, Methane and Other Ices in a Protostellar Nebula

2 years ago

Want to build a habitable planet? Then you’ll need various and sundry ingredients such as carbon, hydrogen oxygen, nitrogen and…

A Novel Propulsion System Would Hurl Hypervelocity Pellets at a Spacecraft to Speed it up

2 years ago

A new proposal for a pellet-beam spacecraft could enable interstellar missions and a Solar Gravitational Lens in a matter of…

Titan’s Dragonfly Test, New Nuclear Rocket, Shadow Universe

2 years ago

The Titan Dragonfly is coming together, NASA is considering a new kind of nuclear rocket, getting more warning for solar…

A new Propulsion System Could Levitate Vehicles in the Earth’s Upper Atmosphere

2 years ago

Sometimes it's hard to remember that NASA also does atmospheric research too. While typically thought of as the province of…

Binary Dwarf Stars Found Orbiting Each Other Every 20 Hours. They Were Once Almost Touching

2 years ago

A team of astrophysicists has discovered a binary pair of ultra-cool dwarfs so close together that they look like a…

Light Pollution is Obscuring the Night Sky. RIP Stargazing

2 years ago

A citizen science initiative called Globe at Night has some sobering news for humanity. Our artificial light is drowning out…

A new way to Peer Into the Permanently Shadowed Craters on the Moon, Searching for Deposits of Water ice

2 years ago

Not all flashlights are created equal. Some are stronger, consume more power, or have features such as blinking or strobes.…

Scientists Build a Teeny Tiny Tractor Beam

2 years ago

Tractor beams make intuitive sense. Matter and energy interact with each other in countless ways throughout the Universe. Magnetism and…