Instead of Building Structures on Mars, we Could Grow Them With the Help of Bacteria

2 years ago

A new process that combines bacteria and lichen could "grow" bricks from Martian soil. The proposal selected for development by…

Exploring the Outer Solar System Takes Power, Here’s a Way to Miniaturize Nuclear Batteries for Deep Space

2 years ago

As science and technology advance, we're asking our space missions to deliver more and more results. NASA's MSL Curiosity and…

Could Next-Generation Telescopes See That Earth Has Life?

2 years ago

While the Earth absorbs a lot of energy from the Sun, a lot of it is reflected back into space.…

By Blocking the Light From a Star, Webb Reveals the Dusty Disk Surrounding It

2 years ago

AU Microscopii is a small red dwarf star about 32 light-years away. It's far too dim for the unaided human…

The Donut That Used To Be a Star

2 years ago

The death of a star is one of the most dramatic natural events in the Universe. Some stars die in…

You’re Looking at a Map of the Milky Way’s Magnetic Field

2 years ago

Using telescopes that study the sky in the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum, astronomers have successfully mapped the structure…

Unistellar Releases a New Smartscope: the eQuinox 2

2 years ago

Unistellar’s eQuinox 2 is set to continue the smartscope revolution.

New Nuclear Rocket Design to Send Missions to Mars in Just 45 Days

2 years ago

NASA's Advanced Innovation Concepts (NAIC) program selected a new type of bimodal nuclear propulsion that could allow for missions to…

A Black Hole is Savoring its Meal, Feeding on the Same Star Over and Over Again

2 years ago

Something extraordinary happens about every 10,000 to 100,000 years in galaxies like the Milky Way. An unwary star approaches the…

Using the Shadows of Clusters to Measure the Universe

2 years ago

Astronomers have begun using a sophisticated suite of simulations, an advanced machine learning model of the formation of galaxy clusters,…