Worlds Bustling With Plantlife Should Shine in a Detectable Wavelength of Infrared

2 years ago

Future historians might look back on this time and call it the 'exoplanet age.' We've found over 5,000 exoplanets, and…

NASA’s Psyche Mission is Back on. It’ll Launch Towards its Metal Asteroid Target Later This Year

2 years ago

NASA’s Psyche mission is back on track for launch and is now scheduled for a potential October 2023 launch date,…

A Hybrid Fission/Fusion Reactor Could be the Best way to get Through the ice on Europa

2 years ago

A new proposal for a hybrid nuclear reactor could power missions to Europa, and was selected by NASA for Phase…

How did Dimorphos Form?

2 years ago

The otherwise unremarkable double asteroid of Didymos and Dimorphos made headlines as the target of NASA's successful Double Asteroid Redirect…

Why Does the Butterfly Nebula Look Like This?

2 years ago

The Butterfly Nebula is changing, and astronomers are puzzled as to why these changes are occurring. Observations of this planetary…

Cosmic Noon was Billions of Years ago, When Many Galaxies Were Filled With Star-Forming Nebulae Like This

2 years ago

You’re looking at NGC 346, a star cluster 210 light years away that is energetically pumping out brand new stars…

Many of the World’s Greatest Observatories Suffer from Some Light Pollution

2 years ago

In a recent study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, an international team of researchers examined…

How Crazy Magnetic Fields Drive the Sun Mad

2 years ago

Solar coronal jets are fast moving plumes of plasma that erupt suddenly from the polar regions of the Sun. Astronomers…

Mars Rover’s Dead, Comet Incoming, JWST’s First Exoplanet

2 years ago

Keep your eyes on the sky for a comet, another Mars rover has died, the leaky Soyuz will be replaced,…

NASA’s Exoplanet Watch Wants Your Help Studying Planets Around Other Stars

2 years ago

NASA has launched Exoplanet Watch, a citizen science project that allows the public to help discover and study extrasolar planets!