Are Chemical Rockets or Solar Sails Better to Return Resources from Asteroids?

2 years ago

If and when we ever get an asteroid mining industry off the ground, one of the most important decisions to…

New JWST Image Shows That Grand Spiral Galaxies had Already Formed 11 Billion Years ago

2 years ago

For the first time this week, photos from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) revealed that stellar bars were present…

Eruption on Io, Moon Navigation, Space-Based Power Test

2 years ago

NASA is looking for dangerous asteroids, Io is blasting lava into space, the solar wind could be creating water on…

Arecibo Studied 191 Asteroids That Flew Past the Earth. All the Data are Available in a new Paper

2 years ago

Even from beyond the grave, Arecibo is still contributing to new discoveries. Back in October, researchers released a "treasure trove…

Space Weather is an Ever-Increasing Threat to Humanity. But it’s not the Sun’s Fault, it’s Ours

2 years ago

Space-age technologies have made fundamental changes to the way we live our lives. Avionics allow us to fly to other…

Perseverance is Putting its Samples Onto the Surface of Mars, So a Future Helicopter can Pick Them Up

2 years ago

At this point in its mission, NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover has collected almost 50% of its samples. The rover is…

Wandering Stars Have Been Adrift Between Galaxies for Billions of Years

2 years ago

A new study using Hubble data has revealed that "wandering stars" that inhabit galaxy clusters have been there for billions…

A Rover Could Weave its Way Between Patches of Sunlight on the Lunar South Pole

2 years ago

In any plan to establish a presence on the Moon, the South Pole is key. There, in the deep permanent…

What Does it Take to Make Black Holes Collide?

2 years ago

In a recent study published in Astronomy and Astrophysical Letters, a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology…

Io is Having a Major Volcanic Outburst

2 years ago

Since last summer, Jupiter’s third largest moon, Io, has been lighting up the Jovian system with a major burst of…