Io is Having a Major Volcanic Outburst

2 years ago

Since last summer, Jupiter’s third largest moon, Io, has been lighting up the Jovian system with a major burst of…

How Many Stars Formed Together With the Sun in Our Stellar Nebula?

2 years ago

Even though our Sun is now a solitary star, it still has siblings somewhere in the Milky Way. Stars form…

Mars Has Bizarre Dunes Thanks to its Low Atmospheric Pressure and Strange Winds

2 years ago

In a recent study published in Nature Communications, an international team of researchers led by Stanford University used artificial intelligence…

Seen From Space: Sand Dunes on Mars Covered by Frost

2 years ago

Seasonal changes on Mars lead to all kinds of interesting features that astronauts will have a chance to explore soon!

Minerals Could Form on Mars Without an Oxygen-Rich Atmosphere

2 years ago

Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere does more than provide the foundation for complex life. The oxygen in the atmosphere is so reactive…

Spock-tacular! Tech Pioneer Boosts Plan for Leonard Nimoy Memorial

2 years ago

Efforts to create a memorial celebrating the legacy of Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played a pointy-eared alien named Spock…

China is Considering Where to Build a Lunar Research Station

2 years ago

The second Moon race is in full swing, with the world's two big superpowers angling to score a new set…

Want to Build Structures on the Moon? Just Blast the Regolith With Microwaves

2 years ago

Microwaves are useful for more than just heating up leftovers. They can also make landing pads on other worlds -…

An Ongoing Study of Jupiter’s Cloudtops Has Been Going on for 40 Years

2 years ago

Some of the most useful discoveries about distant objects take time to complete. For example, several generations of planetary scientists…

Should Planetary Defence Take Center Stage?

2 years ago

Throughout the Solar System, planets and moons bear the scars of a past fraught with collisions. The Moon, Mercury, and…