Lightweight Picogram-Scale Probes Could be the Best way to Explore Other Star Systems

2 years ago

Inspiration for space exploration can come from all corners. One of the most inspiring, or terrifying, sources of inspiration for…

The Universe is Brighter Than we Thought

2 years ago

At the edge of the Solar System, New Horizons has taken new light measurements of the cosmos to get a…

Is the Milky Way… Normal?

2 years ago

Studying the large-scale structure of our galaxy isn’t easy. We don’t have a clear view of the Milky Way's shape…

Anti-Helium Generated in the Large Hadron Collider can Help in the Search for Dark Matter

2 years ago

Researchers from CERN's ALICE Collaboration have come up with a new way to search for Dark Matter: look for anti-helium-3…

Webb’s New Image Reveals a Galaxy Awash in Star Formation

2 years ago

When a spiral galaxy presents itself just right, observations reveal more detail. That's the case with NGC 7469, a spiral…

Scientists Investigate Potential Regolith Origin on Uranus’ Moon, Miranda

2 years ago

In a recent study published in The Planetary Science Journal, a pair of researchers led by The Carl Sagan Center…

A Star Came too Close to a Black Hole. It Didn’t End Well

2 years ago

Black holes are confounding objects that stretch physics to its limits. The most massive ones lurk in the centers of…

Perseverance Places its First Sample on the Surface of Mars. One Day This Will be in the Hands of Scientists on Earth

2 years ago

In the not-too-distant future, a planetary scientist will open up a tube of rocks that came from Mars. Thanks to…

NASA Just Tested a new Engine That Will Launch Artemis V and Beyond

2 years ago

NASA just conducted a hot fire test of the refurbished RS-25 engines that will take astronauts back to the Moon!

This Will Probably Be InSight’s Last Picture Before it Runs Out of Power Forever

2 years ago

The InSight lander might have transmitted its last picture from the surface of Mars. It looks like the lander is…