The Next Orion Nebula

19 years ago

The Orion Nebula is one of the most magnificent objects in the night sky, but it won't last forever. Fortunately,…

Gigantic Galactic Companion Discovered

19 years ago

An international team of astronomers have turned up an enormous companion galaxy to our Milky Way - it was hiding…

Planet Finding Instrument Should Allow Many Discoveries

19 years ago

A new instrument called Exoplanet Tracker has turned up an extrasolar planet orbiting a star 100 light years away. This…

Best Orion Nebula Image Ever Taken

19 years ago

This outstanding photograph of the Orion Nebula was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. The space-based observatory built up the…

Vega Has a Cool Dark Equator

19 years ago

According to new observations from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Vega appears to have a huge difference in temperature between…

Binary Systems Can Support Planets

19 years ago

A new computer simulation developed at the Carnegie Institution suggests that planets can form and survive around binary star systems.…

Book Review: Fred Hoyle’s Universe

19 years ago

Salmon have an heriditary instinct to swim upriver against the stream. The same inate drive pushes some scientists to replace…

TV Alert: NOVA scienceNOW

19 years ago

I know you never watch television any more, but you might want to dust off the box on Tuesday, January…

The North Star is Really Three Stars

19 years ago

Polaris, or the North Star, is one of the most famous stars in the sky. But did you know it's…

Massive Star Cluster Discovered

19 years ago

This beautiful photograph taken by the Spitzer Space Telescope shows a region of space containing one of the largest clusters…