Virgin Galactic Updates on Plans For SpaceShipTwo

19 years ago

Scaled Composite's SpaceShipOne claimed the X-Prize when it reached an altitude of 100km for the second time in less than…

Gas Giants Gobbled Up Most of Their Moons

19 years ago

Even though our Solar System's gas giants vary widely in size and mass, they do have something in common. Each…

Integral Spots a Burst Out of the Corner of its Eye

19 years ago

Even it it's not actually watching the spot in the sky where a gamma ray burst goes off, ESA's Integral…

Dark Matter First, Then a Galaxy

19 years ago

A new study from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope suggests that galaxies form within clumps of dark matter. This mysterious substance…

$250,000 Prize for Semi-Autonomous Robots

19 years ago

As part of its Centennial Challenges, NASA has encouraged inventors from outside the agency to demonstrate out of the box…

Fast Moving New Horizons Tracks an Asteroid

19 years ago

Still a decade away from its final meeting with Pluto, New Horizons tested out its instruments on a relatively nearby…

Airborne Infrared Telescope Gets Another Chance

19 years ago

During the recently announced NASA science cutbacks, several missions were cut or dramatically scaled back. One mission that was on…

Main Engine Tests for New European Rocket

19 years ago

Development of Europe's new Vega launcher is ready for a series of important tests. This new launcher is designed to…

Three Trojans Found in Neptune’s Orbit

19 years ago

Researchers have discovered three new objects sharing trailing behind Neptune in the same orbit. These asteroid-sized objects are locked into…

Sulphur Spring Harbours Extreme Bacteria

19 years ago

A team of scientists has set out to visit an unusual hot spring on Ellesmere Island near the North Pole.…