ESA’s Upcoming Mission Will Tell us if Venus is Still Volcanically Active

2 years ago

When it comes to planetary exploration, particularly of Venus, a big part of the story is under the surface. It's…

In Case you Missed it, Here are Some Amazing Pictures of Mars Hiding Behind the Moon

2 years ago

Last week gave us a celestial triple header, all in one night. The Moon was full and Mars was at…

Astronomers Spot Three Interacting Systems with Twin Discs

2 years ago

Using the SPHERE instrument on the ESO's Very Large Telescope, a team of astronomers observed how interaction between disks affects…

How Growing Giant Planets Fight for Food

2 years ago

A new study has shown that in order to grow more than one giant planet in the same solar system,…

The Voids Closest to Us May Not be Entirely Empty

2 years ago

The large scale structure of the universe is dominated by vast empty regions known as cosmic voids. These voids appear…

We Have Ignition! Fusion Breakthrough Raises Hopes — and Questions

2 years ago

For the first time ever, physicists have set off a controlled nuclear fusion reaction that released more energy than what…

Asteroids Didn’t Create the Moon’s Largest Craters. Left-Over Planetesimals Did

2 years ago

The Moon's pock-marked surface tells the story of its history. It's marked by over 9,000 impact craters, according to the…

Orion Splashes Down in the Pacific Ocean, Completing the Artemis I Mission

2 years ago

The Artemis I mission has splashed down, ending its mission and validating the technology that will take astronauts back to…

Webb Completes its First “Deep Field” With Nine Days of Observing Time. What did it Find?

2 years ago

About 13 billion years ago, the stars in the Universe's earliest galaxies sent photons out into space. Some of those…

Black Holes Shouldn’t be Able to Merge, but Dozens of Mergers Have Been Detected. How Do They Do It?

2 years ago

Who knows what lurks in the hearts of some globular clusters? Astronomers using a collection of gravitational wave observatories found…