Lunar Lawn Mower

19 years ago

One of the many hassles of returning humans to the Moon will be the lunar dust. This tiny, gritty, static-loving…

Three of Saturn’s Moons

19 years ago

In this amazing image taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft, you can see three of Saturn's moons. Dione is on the…

Jupiter’s Winds Come From Inside

19 years ago

An international team of researchers have developed a new computer model that simulated Jupiter's incredible weather systems. Jupiter's weather is…

Young Star Gets Pushy

19 years ago

This Hubble Space Telescope photograph shows NGC 346, a star forming region in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The radiation…

Podcast: Larry Esposito and Venus Express

19 years ago

Venus is our nearest planetary neighbour. Compared to the Earth, it's nearly identical in size and distance from the Sun.…

Book Review: Space Tourist’s Handbook

19 years ago

"Aruba, Jamaica oh I want to take you, Bermuda, Bahamas, come on pretty mamma, that's where you want to go…

Liftoff for Venus Express

19 years ago

ESA's Venus Express lifted off today atop a Russian Soyuz-Fregat rocket, beginning its journey to Venus. ESA's Space Operations Centre…

Lichen Can Survive in Space

19 years ago

Scientists have found that hardy bacteria can survive a trip into space, and now the list of natural astronauts includes…

Star on the Run

19 years ago

Astronomers have discovered a massive star moving extremely quickly through the outer halo of the Milky Way, and into intergalactic…

Dione Beneath the Rings

19 years ago

This Cassini photograph shows Saturn's moon Dione, passing just underneath the planet's wispy F ring. If you look carefully, you…