A Close Pulsar Measures 11.4 km Across

2 months ago

When massive stars detonate as supernovae, they leave often behind a pulsar. These fast rotating stellar corpses have fascinated scientists…

Solar Flares and Solar Magnetic Reconnection Get New Spotlight in Two Blazing Studies

2 months ago

Two recent studies published in The Astrophysical Journal discuss findings regarding solar flare properties and a new classification index and…

‘Fly Me to the Moon’ Points to the Past and Future of Moonshot Marketing

2 months ago

In a new movie titled “Fly Me to the Moon,” a marketing consultant played by Scarlett Johansson uses Tang breakfast drink, Crest…

SpaceX’s Rocket Failure Could Cause Delays for Lots of Launches

2 months ago

After going eight years and more than 300 launches without a failure, SpaceX had a Falcon 9 rocket launch go…

A Hopping Robot Could Explore Europa Using Locally Harvested Water

2 months ago

Various forms of hopping robots have crept into development for us[e in different space exploration missions. We've reported on their…

Resources on Mars Could Support Human Explorers

2 months ago

In the coming decades, multiple space agencies and private companies plan to establish outposts on the Moon and Mars. These…

Exoplanet Could be an Enormous Version of Europa

2 months ago

Certain exoplanets pique scientists' interest more than others. Some of the most interesting are those that lie in the habitable…

The Moon Occults Spica This Weekend For North America

2 months ago

The ‘Great North American Occultation’ sees the Moon blot out Spica Saturday night.

Webb Detects the Smell of Rotten Eggs in an Exoplanet’s Atmosphere

2 months ago

Studying the atmospheres of exoplanets is helpful for several reasons. Sometimes, it helps in understanding their formation. Sometimes, it helps…

Ancient People Saw a Kilonova Light up the Sky

2 months ago

What happens when aging white dwarf stars come together? Observers in feudal Japan in the year 1181 had a front-row…