Many Galaxies Found in the Early Universe

19 years ago

By looking at the most distant Universe, astronomers are hoping to learn what kinds of galaxies formed first, leading through…

Chandra View of Tycho’s Remnant

19 years ago

In 1572, Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe observed and studied an exploding star that would later be named after him. NASA's…

Finding the First Stars

19 years ago

To have the current elements in the Universe, cosmologists believe there had to be several generations of stars, building up…

Mars Express Mission Extended

19 years ago

The European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft will have its mission extended by one Martian year - approximately 23 months…

Sweeping View of the Rings

19 years ago

Cassini recently took this beautiful photograph of Saturn's rings, sweeping across the sky. Its tiny moon Pan (26 kilometers, or…

Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D

19 years ago

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For a desolation to be beautiful, there must be something special. Just…

NASA Wants Rovers That Can Dig Lunar Soil

19 years ago

NASA has announced its fifth Centennial Challenges prize competition: the Regolith Excavation Challenge. Teams will compete head to head in…

Brand New Martian Gullies

19 years ago

Mars is a more dramatically changing place than scientists had ever imagined. Thanks to its long lifetime, the Mars Global…

Binary Star Baby Picture

19 years ago

Newborn stars hide in a shroud of dust and gas, so they're difficult to photograph. Astronomers have used the infrared…

Halo of Blue Stars Around a Black Hole

19 years ago

Astronomers have known about a strange blue light coming from the heart of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) for many years,…