For anyone who's managed a program, they know that the best time to consider options is before the program begins,…
Photographs taken of the surface of Mars show evidence that glaciers once scoured away at its surface. Since the Red…
Europeans have begun funding what will eventually become the world's largest telescope: the Square Kilometre Array. The first step is…
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft finally launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida on January 19th. Travelling away from Earth at a speed…
After launch, spacecraft are on their own. They have no way to repair damage from the tiny micrometeorites that inevitably…
In this photograph taken by Cassini, two storms are visible raging across the surface of Saturn; they're reaching out and…
Paul Verhage has some pictures that you'd swear were taken from space. And they were. Amateur Radio High Altitude Ballooning…
Astronomers think they've found evidence that an asteroid broke up about 8.2 million years ago, scattering dust around the Solar…
This image, taken by the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft, shows Juventae Chasma, in the Lunae Planum region of…
After surveying 22 nearby star systems, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered two bright debris disks that resemble our own…