NASA is in the final stage of preparations for the launch of its New Horizons spacecraft, destined to lift off…
The physical constants of the Universe are thought to have remained unchanged since the Big Bang; many predictions made by…
Equality is a rallying call for many. The emancipation of women gave ladies the right to vote, obtain education, achieve…
This beautiful photograph shows Saturn's moon Rhea, partially obscured by the rings. The material surrounding the ring is probably on…
Instruments on board Cassini have confirmed that Saturn's faintest ring is being created by particles emitted by its icy moon…
Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers... I hope you have your shopping done, because this is going to be one exciting week! We'll…
For the 35,000 or so of you receiving Universe Today by email, things are going to seem a little strange…
NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory has taken a new photograph of SN 1006; a supernova that appeared in the sky in…
A study of ice samples extracted from deep underneath Greenland's ice sheet could help scientists recognize methane-producing bacteria on Mars.…
Like all spiral galaxies, our own Milky Way has magnificent spiral arms. We're just inside the galaxy, so we don't…