Progress 18 Docks

19 years ago

The unpiloted Progress 18 cargo ship docked with the International Space Station on Saturday, delivering a fresh batch of supplies.…

Redesigning Universe Today

19 years ago

You might have noticed, I'm starting to implement my new design for Universe Today into the website - folks reading…

A Star in the Making

19 years ago

Named after Harvard University astronomer Bart Bok, Bok globules may not be the most romantic sounding phrase in astronomy, but…

Early Black Holes Grew Up Quickly

19 years ago

Which came first, galaxies or the supermassive black holes at their centre? Most cosmologists now think the two are inextricably…

Foton-M2 Mission Returns to Earth

19 years ago

The reentry module of the European Space Agency's unmanned Foton-M2 mission has returned to Earth, landing in Kazakhstan, close to…

Second MARSIS Boom Deployed

19 years ago

The European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft has successfully deployed its second MARSIS 20-metre (66 foot) radar boom; without a…

Discovery Back on the Launch Pad

19 years ago

The space shuttle Discovery has returned to launch pad 39B at Florida's Cape Canaveral to continue preparations for its July…

Earth Formed from Melted Asteroids

19 years ago

Many of the Earth's volcanic rocks might have come from melted asteroids, according to researchers from the UK's Open University.…

Just How Earthlike is this New Planet?

19 years ago

When the recent discovery of a planet orbiting Gliese 876 was announced by astronomers, much of the interest focused on…

Staring into a Cosmic Jet

19 years ago

Jets of material seem common in the Universe; blasting away from black holes, neutron stars, the hearts of galaxies, and…