I’m Looking for More Writers

19 years ago

As you've probably noticed, I've got a solid group of freelance writers working with me to help update Universe Today.…

Book Review: Space Tourism – Adventures in Earth Orbit and Beyond

19 years ago

At the end of a hard day's work, taking time to enjoy the accomplishments somehow makes the blood, sweat and…

Solar Astronomers Getting Better at Predicting Solar Wind

19 years ago

Researchers have discovered that the structure of the Sun's lower atmosphere, or chromosphere, can be used to predict the speed…

Enceladus Above Saturn’s Rings

19 years ago

Cassini recently took this image of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus above the planet's sweeping rings. Although the rings are made…

Weather Satellite Launches After Several Delays

19 years ago

A weather satellite for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was launched atop a Boeing Delta II rocket on…

NASA Competition to Get Air from Lunar Soil

19 years ago

NASA has announced that its next Centennial Challenge will invite teams to try and extract air from lunar soil: the…

Cosmic Rays Cause the Brightest Radio Flashes

19 years ago

When high-energy cosmic ray particles crash into the Earth's atmosphere, they produce some of the brightest radio flashes ever seen…

Actual Photo of Mars Odyssey in Orbit

19 years ago

NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft turned its gaze on its satellite neighbours recently, and took pictures of both Mars Odyssey…

Dark Energy Could be a Breakdown of Einstein’s Theory

19 years ago

Cosmologists from Princeton are working on new tests that could help to explain the nature of "dark energy", a mysterious…

Planet Forces its Star’s Rotation

19 years ago

Canadian astronomers using the MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of STars) Space Telescope have detected that a giant extrasolar planet has…