How Do Stars Get Kicked Out of Globular Clusters?

2 years ago

Globular clusters are densely-packed collections of stars bound together gravitationally in roughly-shaped spheres. They contain hundreds of thousands of stars.…

NASA Releases Another Supercut of the Artemis I Mission, Showing the Launch and Flight Past the Moon

2 years ago

NASA has released a second supercut video of the Artemis I mission that captures the mission highlights

New Images of Titan From JWST and Keck Telescopes Reveal a Rare Observation

2 years ago

Planetary scientists have greatly anticipated using the James Webb Space Telescope’s infrared vision to study Saturn’s enigmatic moon Titan and…

A Black Hole Consumed a Star and Released the Light of a Trillion Suns

2 years ago

When a flash of light appears somewhere in the sky, astronomers notice. When it appears in a region of the…

Sometimes Astronomy isn’t About What you see, but What you don’t see

2 years ago

Constraints are critical in any scientific enterprise. If a hypothesis predicts that there should be an observable phenomenon, and there…

SpaceX’s Super Heavy Fires 11 of its Engines in a Long-Duration Test

2 years ago

SpaceX conducted another static fire test with its BN7 prototype, this time firing up eleven of its Raptor 2 engines.

“Good Night Oppy” Beautifully Illustrates the Unbreakable Bond Between Humans and our Robotic Explorers

2 years ago

In January 2004, NASA rovers Spirit and Opportunity (aka “Oppy”) landed in two completely different locations on Mars. Their missions…

Do Exoplanet Scientists Have Favorite Exoplanets?

2 years ago

Exoplanets have become quite the sensation over the last decade-plus, with scientists confirming new exoplanets on a regular basis thanks…

With a Small Network of Satellites Around Mars, Rovers Could Navigate Autonomously

2 years ago

When it comes to "on the ground" exploration of Mars, rovers make pretty good advance scouts. From Pathfinder to Perseverance,…

Scientists Send Quantum Data Through a Simulated Wormhole

2 years ago

For the first time, scientists have created a quantum computing experiment for studying the dynamics of wormholes — that is,…