Proton Launches Russian Communications Satellite

19 years ago

A powerful Proton K rocket blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan Tuesday night, carrying a Russian Express-AM2 communications…

DVD Review: Apollo 13 (10th Anniversary Edition)

19 years ago

It's for people. That's why we explore space, push ourselves to the next level, and continually strive forward. Machines may…

Dying Stars Could Provide a Second Chance for Life

19 years ago

After a long life, most sun-like stars grow into red giants once they've depleted most of their hydrogen fuel. The…

How Galaxy Collisions Lead to Starbirth

19 years ago

Galaxies are built up over time through a series of collisions with other galaxies. Each time this happens, clouds of…

Medusa Fossae Region on Mars

19 years ago

The European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft took this image of the Medusa Fossae Region on the Red Planet. This…

New Milky Way Dwarf Satellite Galaxy Discovered

19 years ago

Some current models of galaxy formation predict that large spirals such as the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy should have…

What’s Up This Week – Mar 28 – Apr 3, 2005

19 years ago

Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! This week will bring some excitement as asteroid Pallas flies through the galaxy fields of Virgo and…

Spacewalkers Release Mini-Satellite

19 years ago

The astronauts on board the International Space Station spent a few hours walking around in space today. They installed new…

Survey Finds Dark Accelerators

19 years ago

A team of European astronomers has found some unusual objects in the central part of our galaxy which are emitting…

Libya’s Ubari and Murzuq Sand Seas

20 years ago

This is a satellite photograph of two huge sandy regions in the Fezzan region of Southwest Libya, near the border…