Book Review: Patrick Moore: The Autobiography

20 years ago

What drives a person to write an autobiography? Maybe being a central character in a world shaping event would do…

Rainbows on Titan

20 years ago

When Huygens landed on Titan, it saw river channels, beaches, islands and swirling fog. So Saturn's largest moon is definitely…

Cassini Images Saturn’s Radiation Belts

20 years ago

Scientists have captured an image of Saturn's magnetic field using a special instrument on board NASA's Cassini spacecraft called the…

Saturn Has Oxygen But No Life

20 years ago

Cassini has discovered oxygen ions in the atmosphere around Saturn's rings, suggesting that life isn't the only process that could…

Wallpaper: Panoramic View of Saturn

20 years ago

Here's a beautiful 1280x1024 wallpaper photo of Saturn taken by Cassini. Actually, this isn't a single photo, but a composite…

Saturn’s “Dragon Storm”

20 years ago

Cassini discovered a large, bright and complex storm in Saturn's southern hemisphere in September 2004 which scientists dubbed the "Dragon…

Dr. David J. Tholen Answers Your Asteroid Questions

20 years ago

A few days ago we asked you to send in your Near-Earth asteroid questions for Dr. David J. Tholen from…

Views of Titan From Earth

20 years ago

When Huygens plunged through Titan's atmosphere last month, the biggest telescopes here on Earth were trained on the moon. Some…

Gamma Rays Come from the Earth Too

20 years ago

Scientists were surprised a few years ago when the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory discovered bursts of gamma rays weren't only…

Matter Nears Light Speed Entering a Black Hole

20 years ago

Just before matter is gobbled up by a hungry black hole, it's hurtling around the monster at nearly the speed…