Quasars Produce Giant Jets That Focus Like Lasers. Why They Focus is Still a Mystery, but it’s not Coming From the Galaxy Itself

2 years ago

New technologies bring new astronomical insights, which is especially satisfying when they help answer debates that have been ongoing for…

Baby Gas Giants Cast Shadows on Their Siblings

2 years ago

A team of astronomers has caught glimpses of gas giants forming around a very young star. The nascent giants are…

The Technique for Detecting Meteors Could be Used to Find Dark Matter Particles Entering the Atmosphere

2 years ago

Researchers from Ohio State University have come up with a novel method to detect dark matter, based on existing meteor-detecting…

The Second-Closest Supermassive Black Hole Might be in a Nearby Dwarf Galaxy

2 years ago

There's a little galaxy in the Milky Way's cosmic neighborhood called Leo 1. It's a dwarf spheroidal that lies less…

Nature’s Ultra-Rare Isotopes Can’t Hide from this New Particle Accelerator

2 years ago

A new particle accelerator at Michigan State University is producing long-awaited results. It's called the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams,…

OK, Artemis. Now You’re Just Showing Off. A Stunning View of the Moon Eclipsing Earth From the Orion Spacecraft

2 years ago

Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse of the Earth from the far side of the Moon? Now we have.…

Gaze Slack-jawed at the Haunting Beauty of Galaxy NGC 1566, Captured by JWST, Processed by Judy Schmidt

2 years ago

Here's an absolutely stunning new view from the James Webb Space Telescope of a dusty spiral galaxy, NGC 1566. Amateur…

What’s Next for China’s Lunar Exploration Plans?

2 years ago

China is starting to become a force in space exploration. Its main focal point of lunar exploration has started bearing…

Astronomers Spotted a Tiny Asteroid A Few Hours Before it Impacted the Earth, and Predicted Exactly Where and When it Would Crash

2 years ago

Humanity is getting better a planetary defense. At least from external threats from outer space. As long as they're just…

Many Clouds on Mars are Driven by Dust, not Water

2 years ago

One of the benefits of having a cluster of satellites orbiting another planet is that scientists can then analyze that…