Ammonia Key to Titan’s Atmosphere

20 years ago

Thanks to data gathered by Cassini and Huygens, scientists know that Titan's atmosphere contains significant amounts of ammonia - and…

Gamma Ray Flare Reaches Across the Galaxy

20 years ago

A massive gamma ray flare flashed so brightly in December that it briefly outshone the full Moon. Even though it…

Gmail Invites? I’ve Got Plenty Now

20 years ago

Google seems to have given me a bottomless set of Gmail invites, so I've got plenty now. If anyone wants…

Fastest Spinning Pulsar Found

20 years ago

Astronomers from the University of Southampton have spotted the fastest spinning X-ray pulsar ever seen - it's rotating 600 times…

A Dozen New Planets Discovered

20 years ago

In the last month planet hunters have uncovered 12 new worlds orbiting other stars, bringing the total planet count to…

Signs of Underground Life on Mars

20 years ago

NASA researchers believe they've found strong evidence that there could be underground life on Mars, huddled around pockets of liquid…

Close Up on Enceladus

20 years ago

Just two days after visiting Titan, Cassini swept past another Saturnian moon: Enceladus. The spacecraft got within just 1,180 kilometers…

Galaxy Clusters Formed Early

20 years ago

As early as a billion years after the Big Bang, clusters of galaxies were already forming together according to observations…

Saturn’s Mysterious Auroras Explained

20 years ago

In some ways, the bright auroras at Saturn's poles are very similar to our own Northern/Southern lights here on Earth.…

Giant Crater Discovered on Titan

20 years ago

NASA's Cassini spacecraft spotted a large impact crater on Titan during its flyby on Tuesday. The crater is 440 km…