Near the end of 2004, astronomers found a 320 metre (1000 feet) wide space rock that seemed to have the…
A team of amateur Canadian astronomers took the helm at the powerful Gemini 8-metre telescope atop Hawaii's Mauna Kea for…
Just a few weeks after smashing a chunk off Drygalski ice tongue, iceberg B-15A is still wreaking havoc off the…
Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! "Lunacy" has returned again - and with it familiar features and new ways of looking at them.…
Knowledge keeps on growing. In early times, like the cavemen era, people put their hands near fire and understood 'hot'.…
Mars' southern polar ice cap is completely off-centre. Researchers working with NASA think they have an answer to this lopsided…
Astronomers working with the Canadian Microvariability & Oscillations of STars (MOST) space telescope have been able to indirectly probe the…
NASA engineers are using a duplicate version of the Mars rovers here on Earth to try and test strategies Opportunity…
While Cassini scientists are studying Titan's atmosphere, the Huygens team is analyzing its surface. The European Space Agency has released…
Scientists have had an opportunity study much of the data sent back by Cassini about the composition of Titan's atmosphere…