With JWST Fully Operational Again, we get Images Like This: Saturn’s Moon Titan

2 years ago

The James Webb's mid-infrared instrument (MIRI) is back online, and took a new image of Saturn's largest moon Titan!

A New Instrument Gives the Very Large Telescope an Even Sharper View of the Cosmos

2 years ago

The Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Cerro Paranal in northern Chile, is undoubtedly one of the premier ground-based observatories. But…

NASA's Report Details a Dark Time in American History but Finds no Direct Evidence That Webb Fired People for Their Sexual Orientation

2 years ago

NASA has released its James Webb History Report, which explains why they are not changing the name of their flagship…

JWST Detects Signs of Active Chemistry and Clouds in the Atmosphere of Exoplanet WASP-39 b

2 years ago

NASA's JWST data just keeps on delivering amazing discoveries. Back in July, it observed the exoplanet WASP-39 b and found…

The Milky Way’s Stellar Halo Isn’t a Sphere After All

2 years ago

Our galaxy's stellar halo is giving astronomers some new food for thought. It turns out everyone thought the halo was…

Volcanoes are the worst. They’ve caused extinctions on Earth, and probably killed Venus

2 years ago

Is there anything good about volcanoes? They can be violent, dangerous, and unpredictable. For modern humans, volcanoes are mostly an…

A Mission to Venus Could Sample its Atmosphere Directly, Searching for Life

2 years ago

We've reported in the past about the Venus Life Finder (VLF) mission, which is currently in the proposal stage but…

Hubble Sees a Dense Cloud of Gas and Dust That’s About to Become a Star

2 years ago

The process of star birth begins in a shroud of gas and dust. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) excels in showing…

Artemis I has Completed its First Flyby of the Moon

2 years ago

The Orion spacecraft made its first close flyby of the Moon on Monday, November 21, coming as close as 81…

Einstein's Predictions for Gravity Have Been Tested at the Largest Possible Scale

2 years ago

A new study by an international team indicates that either Einstein was wrong, or something else has been driving cosmic…