Atlas V Launches AMC-16

20 years ago

An Atlas V rocket successfully lifted off this morning carrying an AMC-16 broadcast satellite into orbit. The rocket launched at…

Titan’s Layered Atmosphere

20 years ago

On Cassini's recent flyby of Titan, scientists discovered that Saturn's largest moon has a surprising number of layers of haze…

Cassini’s Approach to Dione

20 years ago

Cassini took this image of Dione set against giant Saturn as it approached the icy moon for its December 14th…

Sooty Nebula Around a Sun Like Star

20 years ago

The Subaru telescope captured this image of a dusty planetary nebula surrounding a star similar to our own Sun at…

What is the Shape of the Helix Nebula?

20 years ago

The shape of the Helix Nebula has always been a bit of a mystery to astronomers; some theorized that it's…

New Storms Seen on Titan

20 years ago

Astronomers had seen storms around Titan's south pole before, but now they've been discovered at the moon's mid-latitudes as well.…

Cassini’s First Flyby of Dione

20 years ago

Just days after completing its second flyby of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, Cassini proceeded on to its next target: Dione,…

Radiation Concentrates During Solar Storms

20 years ago

Scientists were surprised to learn that the Earth's magnetic field can concentrate radiation from the Sun during powerful solar storms,…

Experiments Chosen for Mars Science Laboratory

20 years ago

NASA has selected eight proposals for experiments that will be installed on the upcoming Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, which…

Deep Impact Prepared for Launch

20 years ago

Engineers are making the final preparations for the launch of NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft, due to lift off from Cape…