Are We in for a Leonid Outburst Friday Night?

2 years ago

The November Leonid meteors may produce a surprise outburst this weekend.

Europe is Building a Communications Network Around the Moon

2 years ago

GPS and the world's other global positioning systems all have one very limiting disadvantage: they're global to only one world.…

NASA’s MAVEN Witnessed Auroras as Multiple Solar Storms Crashed into Mars

2 years ago

After orbiting Mars for eight long years, NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft observed an extraordinary duo of…

Artemis 1 Sends Back Snapshots of Earth as It Speeds Toward the Moon

2 years ago

As it heads for the moon, NASA's Orion space capsule is sending back snapshots of Earth that evoke the "blue…

The Future of Mars Exploration Belongs to Helicopters

2 years ago

Even though there's no firm date for a Mars sample return mission, the Perseverance rover is busy collecting rock samples…

Mapping the Interiors of Meteorites to Learn how Earth got its Water

2 years ago

Locked within meterorites could be the key to understanding the origin of Earth's oceans. A new scanning technique could show…

Greenland’s ice Loss is Worse Than We Thought

2 years ago

A NASA_supported study says that Greenland's ice sheet is melting much faster than previously thought.

What Would Asteroid Mining do to the World's Economy?

2 years ago

A new study by a team of Chinese researchers examines the impact asteroid mining with have on global equity.

Artemis I is On Its Way to the Moon

2 years ago

It really, finally, actually happened. The long-waited Space Launch System (SLS) rocket carrying the Orion capsule launched successfully and is…

The X-37B is Back After 908 Days in Orbit. What was it Doing up There? That's Classified

2 years ago

At 5:22 AM Eastern Time on November 12, the Space Force’s (and Air Force’s) X-37B spaceplane landed back on Earth…