We’ll Inevitably see Another Interstellar Object. Which Ones Make the Best Targets to Visit?

2 years ago

We finally have the technological means to detect interstellar objects. We've detected two in the last few years, 'Oumuamua and…

Keck's new Planet Hunter Instrument Comes Online, Searching for Smaller, More Earth-Sized Exoplanets

2 years ago

There’s a new planet hunter in town, and it’s got its sights set on nearby Earth-sized planets in the galactic…

Divers Have Found a Piece of the Space Shuttle Challenger Off the Coast of Florida

2 years ago

Nearly 37 years ago the world watched in stunned horror as an explosion destroyed the space shuttle Challenger. The accident…

A New View of the Cone Nebula From the Very Large Telescope

2 years ago

Here’s a dramatic and spectacular new view of the Cone Nebula, as seen by the Very Large Telescope (VLT). This…

Woohoo! JWST's Mid-Infrared Instrument is Fully Operational Again

2 years ago

Engineers with the James Webb Space Telescope have figured out a way to work around a friction issue that arose…

The Case of the “Missing Exoplanets”

2 years ago

A team of astronomers with the CLEVER Planets project have developed a model that may explain the mystery of the…

Chipping Away at the Great Attractor Mystery. Another Galaxy Cluster Found Behind the Milky Way’s Disk

2 years ago

Something huge lurks in the shadows of the Universe. Known as the Great Attractor, it is causing the Milky Way…

One Total Lunar Eclipse Photo to Rule Them All

2 years ago

We’ve seen some great images from the total lunar eclipse this week. But this one might top them all. Astrophotographer…

Hubble saw the Same Supernova at Three Different Times Thanks to Gravitational Lensing

2 years ago

As cosmic events go, supernova explosions epitomize the saying, "Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse." They're the…

Check Out the Journey From Raw Data to Beautiful Image

2 years ago

Creating astronomical images is no easy task, and astronomers with the European Southern Observatory have provided a handy guide to…