Chandra Sees Violent M87 Galaxy

20 years ago

A new image released from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory shows the giant elliptical galaxy M87. Bright jets can be seen…

Wallpaper: Dying Star Spins a Spiderweb

20 years ago

Here's a 1024x768 desktop wallpaper of a new nebula image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Its technical designation is…

13 Advocacy Groups Ally Together

20 years ago

As a show of support for President Bush's space exploration initiative, 13 US space advocacy and policy groups have formed…

2004 Astronaut Class Named

20 years ago

NASA named its latest batch of astronauts; the 11 candidates include three teachers, who were selected from over 1,000 candidates.…

Two Hot Planets Seen Orbiting Very Close to Parent Stars

20 years ago

European astronomers have confirmed a new class of objects, known as "very hot Jupiters", which are large, extremely hot, and…

NASA Considers Risking Rover on Dangerous Descent

20 years ago

NASA is currently making a difficult decision about whether to send its Opportunity rover down into Endurance Crater, which is…

Canadian Arrow Announces Test Launch Plans

20 years ago

X Prize candidate Canadian Arrow announced this week that they will begin unmanned flight tests of its rocket this summer.…

NASA Announces Two New Earth Observation Satellite Missions

20 years ago

NASA announced two new missions today that will help scientists better understand the Earth's environment. The Aeronomy of Ice in…

X Prize Gets Investment and New Name

20 years ago

The privately funded X Prize received a helpful boost this week with a large investment from entrepreneurs Anousheh and Amir…

On the Edge of a Supermassive Black Hole

20 years ago

New images obtained with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope show the immediate surroundings of the supermassive black hole…