New Explaination for Cosmic Rays

20 years ago

Scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have come up with a new theory to help explain how giant radio…

Book Review: Strange Matters

20 years ago

A journalist is an essential element in any responsible government. These people evaluate programs and activities the way food blenders…

Computer to Simulate Exploding Star

20 years ago

Researchers from the University of Chicago are about to run the most complex simulation of a supernova ever attempted. The…

Sea Launch Prepares for DIRECTV Launch

20 years ago

The Sea Launch Odyssey launch platform and Commander ship arrived at the equator on Thursday to make preparations to launch…

Binary Pulsar System Confirmed

20 years ago

Researchers located a binary system in 2003, believed to be a spinning pulsar and a neutron star. But new evidence…

Wallpaper: Bug Nebula

20 years ago

Here's a 1024x768 desktop wallpaper of The Bug Nebula (a.k.a. NGC 6302) taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. It's one…

NASA’s X-Prize Looking for Ideas

20 years ago

Sometimes it takes a prize to really propel an industry forward, like with the historic Orteig Prize, which rewarded Charles…

Mars Express Radar Deployment Delayed

20 years ago

The team responsible for the MARSIS radar instrument on Mars Express has advised the ESA to put off the deployment…

Saturn in Full Colour

20 years ago

This latest true colour image of Saturn taken by Cassini completely fills the field of view of the spacecraft's narrow…

ESO Images Cosmic Collision

20 years ago

The newest photo released by the European Southern Observatory shows an enormous collision on a galactic scale. Two galaxies, NGC…