Does Io Look Like an Early Earth?

20 years ago

When they look at Io, one of Jupiter's moons, researchers think they could be seeing that the Earth might have…

Five Visible Planets Starting Tonight

20 years ago

Beginning tonight, and lasting for about two weeks, all five planets visible to the unaided eye will be in the…

50th GPS Satellite Launched

20 years ago

A Boeing Delta II rocket launched the 50th Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite on Saturday. The rocket lifted off from…

Paul Allen Funds Next Stage of SETI Project

21 years ago

Billionaire Paul Allen has committed $13.5 million to support the construction of the first and second phases of the Allen…

Rover Sees a UFO?

21 years ago

While watching the night sky with its panoramic camera, NASA's Spirit rover saw something surprising - a streak of light…

New Research Helps Explain Dust Bowl Drought

21 years ago

Scientists think they have an explanation for the "dust bowl" droughts of the 1930s, which helped to cause the Great…

Minerals in Martian Spherules Point to Water

21 years ago

NASA's Opportunity rover has determined that the small mineral spherules, which scientists have been calling "blueberries", contain hematite. This furthers…

Five Planets Visible in the Sky

21 years ago

Make sure you keep your eyes turned to the night sky for the next couple of weeks - you'll be…

NASA and Department of Energy Working on Nuclear Reactor

21 years ago

NASA and the US Department of Energy announced this week that they will be working together to develop a nuclear…

Mars Express Finds South Pole Water Ice

21 years ago

The ESA's Mars Express has confirmed that water ice exists at Mars' southern pole. Astronomers have known for years that…