Want a Sneak Peek From NASA’s Lucy Mission? Here are Some Photos it Took of the Moon During its Flyby

2 years ago

We reported a few weeks ago about an Earth gravity assist flyby for the Lucy mission. Around the same as…

Hubble saw Multiple Light Echoes Reflecting off Rings of Dust From a Supernova Explosion

2 years ago

Using images from Hubble, an international team of astronomers created a video that shows the evolution of a supernova and…

Can JWST see Galaxies Made of Primordial Stars?

2 years ago

With a bit of luck, the Webb Space Telescope might be able to see a galaxy full of the first…

Hydrothermal Vents Under the Arctic Ice are Perfect Places to Practice Exploring Europa

2 years ago

Someday on Europa, there'll be a robotic explorer diving beneath its icy surface to find volcanoes. Yes, even though it's…

Planets Make it Harder to Figure out a Star’s age

2 years ago

Estimating stellar age has always been a challenge for astronomers. Now, a certain class of exoplanets is making the process…

Mars is Mostly Dead. There's Still Magma Inside, so it's Slightly Alive

2 years ago

NASA's InSight lander has detected many marsquakes coming from the same region, which could mean that the Red Planet still…

When Black Holes Collide They Also Produce Neutrinos

2 years ago

Ever since astronomers first detected ultra high energy neutrinos coming from random directions in space, they have not been able…

Worrying Solar Storm Data, Falcon Heavy is Back, Total Lunar Eclipse

2 years ago

Historical data about solar storms carved in trees, and it's a bit worrying. Falcon Heavy's back after 40 months of…

It’s Tough to Find Evidence of Stars Eating Planets

2 years ago

Tragically sometimes stars engulf their own planets. While most stars are able to quickly cover up the evidence for their…

A Black Hole’s X-Rays are Coming From a Region 2,000 km Away From the Singularity Itself

2 years ago

A study of Cygnus X-1 shows its jets emanate from a region a bit off from the black hole itself.