The Hubble Space Telescope has revealed an unusual situation where a young, hot star is carving out a cavity in…
Okay, new background. This time you'll be switching your computer desktop to show the Little Ghost Nebula - known to…
The European Space Agency's Cluster spacecraft have helped answer a 17-year mystery about how the magnetosphere, a magnetic bubble that…
This is the best picture that Cassini's taken so far of Hyperion, one of Saturn's smaller moons (266 kilometers, 165…
Tonight's the night when the Perseid meteor shower reaches its peak of 60 meteors/hour, and if we're lucky, a new…
It's just one year to go before the launch of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) - the next spacecraft from…
An unmanned cargo ship blasted off from Kazakhstan today, en route to deliver supplies to the International Space Station. Progress…
Here's a perspective view of the caldera at the top of Olympus Mons, the tallest mountain in the Solar System.…
NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe has announced that he will be asking the US Congress to approve up to $1.6 billion…
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope took this image of a dying star in the middle of a doughnut of leftover gas…