Can Plants be Adapted to Thrive in Space?

2 years ago

Humans in space have to eat. In the early days of space exploration, they got to eat paste and drink…

IceCube Senses Neutrinos Streaming From an Active Galaxy 47 Million Light-Years Away

2 years ago

Researchers using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory have detected neutrinos emanating from the energetic core of an active galaxy millions of…

What Happens to Hot Jupiters when their Star Becomes a Red Giant?

2 years ago

New research from the COMPAS consortium has simulated what happens to Hot Jupiters when their stars become Red Giants.

Solar Orbiter Records a Stunning Timelapse of Solar Activity as it Completes its Latest Flyby

2 years ago

The sun is currently sleeping. Its surface and corona are relatively quiet as it prepares to ramp up for an…

Three New Potentially Hazardous Asteroids Discovered, Including a big one That Measures 1.5 km Across

2 years ago

An asteroid 1.5 km across is no joke. Even a much smaller one, about the size of a house, can…

Our Guide to Tuesday’s Total Lunar Eclipse

2 years ago

The November 8th total lunar eclipse spans the Pacific, and is the last one until 2025.

Researchers Make Rocket Fuel Using Actual Regolith From the Moon

2 years ago

In-situ resource utilization is a hot topic these days in space exploration circles, and scientists and engineers have had a…

ESA is Considering a Mission to Enceladus

2 years ago

There are plenty of exciting places in the solar system to explore. But few are more interesting than Saturn's moon…

How do you Keep a Solar Sail Stable?

2 years ago

Solar sailing seems like a simple concept - instead of being pushed along by the wind, as in a typical…

You Can Help Measure Light Pollution with Your Phone

2 years ago

There's no question that light pollution is a growing problem. Thankfully many scientists and advocates are working for change. And…