Opportunity Landing Site Named for Challenger Crew

21 years ago

NASA announced today that it has dedicated Opportunity's landing site to the crew of the space shuttle Challenger, which were…

Ocean Patterns Dictate Dry and Wet Periods

21 years ago

New data gathered by NASA's Topex/Poseidon and Jason satellites seems to indicate that the cooler and drier periods in Southern…

Martian Terrain Named for Lost Apollo Astronauts

21 years ago

NASA has memorialized the three members of Apollo 1 by naming terrain near the Spirit rover's landing site. Astronauts Gus…

Volcanoes Would Be Good Future Targets

21 years ago

When selecting targets for Spirit and Opportunity, NASA engineers were very cautious about where the rovers could land. They needed…

What is that Bedrock?

21 years ago

The most intriguing part about Opportunity's landing spot is the big slab of bedrock exposed on the rim of the…

Mars Society Responds to Bush Announcement

21 years ago

When US President George W. Bush announced his government's new space initiative, to return humans to the Moon and then…

Opportunity’s Hardware is Working Properly

21 years ago

Opportunity has tested out the three scientific sensing tools on its robotic arm, and it appears they all survived the…

Rosetta Will Launch in a Month

21 years ago

In one month from now, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft will finally head into space on board an Ariane…

Astronomers See a Star Before it Exploded

21 years ago

Astronomers working with the Gemini observatory were able to make detailed observations of an aging star only a little while…

Halo Around a Gamma Ray Burst

21 years ago

Using the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton and Integral observatories, astronomers have discovered glowing X-ray halos around powerful, but short-lived, gamma…