Stardust Surprised Scientists

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA/JPL When NASA's Stardust spacecraft swept past Comet Wild-2, it captured material from the comet's tail and revealed…

Planetary Nebula in Glowing Detail

21 years ago

Image credit: UA Astronomers with the University of Arizona tested a new infrared camera on the 6.5-metre MMTO telescope, and…

First Image from Mars Express

21 years ago

Image credit: ESA Even though it hasn't reached its final operating orbit, the European Space Agency's Mars Express has delivered…

Spirit Examines the Martian Soil

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA/JPL NASA's Spirit rover reached out and examined the Martian soil with its microscope instrument at the end…

Hubble Servicing Mission Canceled

21 years ago

NASA has canceled all space shuttle flights to service the Hubble Space Telescope, which has provided revolutionary astronomy data and…

Space Advocates Feel the Bush Plan Needs Work

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA Although they appreciated President Bush's new space initiative, many space advocacy groups were a little disappointed that…

Getting Closer to Saturn

21 years ago

Image credit: ESA NASA's Cassini spacecraft is on track to reach Saturn in summer 2004. Before it reaches Saturn, however,…

Evidence that Brown Dwarfs are Failed Stars

21 years ago

Image credit: UofM Researchers from the University of Michigan have gathered evidence that brown dwarf stars have a very similar…

NASA Reorganizes to Support Bush Strategy

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA NASA announced on Thursday that it would be reorganizing aspects of the agency to better support the…

Scientists Could Choose More Dangerous Targets on Mars

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA/JPL If the next Mars Exploration Rover, Opportunity, is as successful as Spirit, then engineers might loosen up…