Sea Launches Sends Telstar 14/Estrela do Sul 1 Into Orbit

21 years ago

Image credit: Boeing Sea Launch successfully launched the Telstar 14/ Estrela do Sul 1 communications satellite into orbit over the…

Panoramic View of Mars

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA/JPL Mission controllers have released the first panoramic 360-degree view of the Martian landscape taken by the Spirit…

Improvements to Universe Today

21 years ago

The constant feedback I've had from readers is: more pictures. Okay, you want pictures? I'll give you pictures. Here, have…

Astronauts Find the Source of the Leak

21 years ago

The astronauts on board the International Space Station have finally located the tiny air leak that was puzzling them for…

Spirit Will Roll Off Secondary Ramp

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA/JPL After several attempts to collapse the airbag which is blocking Spirit's exit from the lander, controllers have…

Eye Tower Makes Hurricanes Stronger

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA NASA scientists have discovered that a "hot tower" of cloud rising above the eye of a hurricane…

Additional Attempts Fail to Reach Beagle 2

21 years ago

Image credit: Beagle 2 Mars Express has made several more attempts to reach the British-built Beagle 2 lander, and so…

Photo Gallery: Southwest of Spirit’s Landing Site

21 years ago

This image mosaic was taken by the Mars Spirit rover while it was still sitting on its landing platform -…

String of Galaxies Puzzles Astronomers

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA Wide-field observations of the early Universe have turned up a strange string of galaxies 300 million light-years…

Stars of All Ages Have Comets and Planets

21 years ago

Image credit: Harvard CfA Astronomers from the Harvard Center for Astrophysics studied Comet Kudo-Fujikawa as it swept past the Sun…