Lifeless Suns in the Early Universe

21 years ago

Image credit: Harvard CfA New calculations by a pair of Harvard astronomers predict that the first "Sun-like" stars in the…

Spirit Landing Site Named for Columbia Crew

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA/JPL NASA administrator Sean O'Keefe announced on Tuesday that they plan to name the Spirit landing site in…

SMART-1 Gets Out of the Radiation Belts

21 years ago

Image credit: ESA The European Space Agency's SMART-1 spacecraft has completed its 176th orbit around the Earth, finally reaching the…

Chandra Sees Colliding Galaxies

21 years ago

Image credit: Chandra The Chandra X-Ray Observatory has found rich deposits of neon, magnesium and silicon in a pair of…

Stardust Heads for Home

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA/JPL Now that it's survived its dangerous journey through the tail of Comet Wild-2, NASA's Stardust spacecraft is…

Mars Express Fails to Communicate with Beagle 2

21 years ago

Image credit: ESA The first opportunity for Mars Express to hear from Beagle 2 has come and gone, and so…

Spirit’s First Colour Photo of Mars

21 years ago

Well, here it is, the picture we've all been waiting for - the first colour image from the surface of…

Biggest Stars Often Have Companions

21 years ago

Image credit: Hubble New research from the Hubble Space Telescope indicates that the majority of large dying Wolf-Rayat stars have…

Most Luminous Star Discovered

21 years ago

Image credit: University of Florida A team of astronomers from the University of Florida have found what could be the…

Galaxy Shreds as it Collides With a Cluster of Galaxies

21 years ago

Image credit: Chandra A new image from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory shows a distant galaxy that used to look like…