Not Getting the Newsletter?

21 years ago

In theory, I send out Universe Today every weekday (Mon-Fri) some time during the day. I do occasionally miss a…

Are Jupiter’s Spots Disappearing?

21 years ago

Jupiter's stormy surface could be settling down, according to calculations by UC Berkeley physicist Philip Marcus. According to Marcus, Jupiter's…

Satellites Show How the Earth is Warming Up

21 years ago

NASA satellites have been used to create an 18-year record of temperatures on the Earth's surface, and not surprisingly, they're…

Gravity Probe B Launches

21 years ago

A special NASA spacecraft designed to test two aspects of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, Gravity Probe B, lifted off…

Chandra Reveals a Supernova’s Power

21 years ago

The latest image released from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory shows the monstrous power of a supernova. The image is of…

NASA Turns Down Year Long Stays in the Station

21 years ago

NASA has rejected a Russian proposal to lengthen missions on board the International Space Station up to a year. By…

Martian Dust Devils Could Be Charged Up

21 years ago

By chasing dust devils across the desert with a specially equipped truck, scientists have discovered that on Earth at least,…

Bounce Rock’s Mystery Ends

21 years ago

"It figures that if there was only one rock for what seems like miles in every direction, we'd find a…

Two Space Celebrations this Week

21 years ago

It's time to celebrate the skies and reflect on ways to improve our stargazing experience. There are two events going…

A Movie of Titan’s Hazy Atmosphere

21 years ago

Astronomers have used the enormous Keck telescope to capture several images of the hydrocarbon haze of Titan, Saturn's largest moon,…