Galileo’s Final Study of Jupiter

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA/JPL We're only days away until Galileo's final plunge into Jupiter on September 21. Nearly out of fuel,…

Astronomers Find a Transparent Galaxy

21 years ago

Image credit: Hubble It turns out that a collection of stars orbiting the Andromeda galaxy are actually the remnants of…

More Evidence for Dark Energy

21 years ago

Image credit: Hubble Astronomers have studied the light from 11 new supernovae to help validate the evidence that some kind…

Are We Safe from Gamma Ray Bursts?

21 years ago

Image credit: ESA Gamma ray bursts (or GRBs) are the most powerful known explosions in the Universe. Although astronomers aren't…

New Evidence About the Formation of Galaxies

21 years ago

Image credit: PPARC Astronomers have long believed that galaxy formation in the early Universe was a spectacular event, with smaller…

Chandra Images the Bright Side of the Moon

21 years ago

Image credit: Chandra Although it's usually peering into deep space, Chandra looked a little closer to home and inspected the…

Red Giant Spotted Swallowing its Planets

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA A team of astronomers believe they've figured out the explanation for an unusual object V838 Monocerotis -…

Chinese Space Launch Could be Only Weeks Away

21 years ago

China is preparing to launch its first astronauts some time in October, according to people in Hong Kong. Both the…

Astronauts Photograph Hurricane Isabel

21 years ago

Astronauts on board the International Space Station captured several images of Hurricane Isabel on Saturday as they flew over at…

You’ve Got to Be Fast to Spot Burst Afterglows

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA Until recently, astronomers thought that nearly two-thirds of gamma ray bursts - the most powerful known explosions…