Hubble Took Its Time Watching This Galaxy

21 years ago

Image credit: Hubble The latest image released from the Hubble Space Telescope is of the spiral galaxy NGC 3370, located…

Articles on Universe Today

21 years ago

Hi folks, I've made a pretty significant change to the way Universe Today is structured with this issue. It looks…

Senate Inquiry Comes Down Hard on NASA

21 years ago

With the Columbia accident report complete, US senators began a series of inquiries into how NASA has responded to the…

Grunsfeld Becomes NASA’s Chief Scientist

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe announced today that astronaut Dr. John Grunsfeld would replace Dr. Shannon Lucid as…

Solar Flares Shuffle Antimatter Around

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA Astronomers believe that the Sun creates and destroys antimatter as part of its natural process of fusion…

SIRTF Takes First Images

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA The last of the Great Observatories, NASA's Space Infrared Telescope Facility, gathered first light from two of…

Brazil Vows to Continue Space Research

21 years ago

Brazil has pledged its renewed commitment to developing a rocket program in spite of the terrible disaster that killed 21…

New Targets to Search For Life on Europa

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA A new study of Jupiter's moon Europa may help explain how giant ice domes can form on…

“Killer” Asteroid will Miss

21 years ago

Additional observations from astronomers have decreased the likelihood to virtually zero that Asteroid 2003 qq47 will strike the Earth in…

Planetery Tilts Might Not Be a Big Problem

21 years ago

Image credit: NASA Scientists have believed that the tilt of the Earth's axis is very important to supporting life on…