Here are Four Ways JWST Could Detect Alien Life

2 years ago

There are many ways that the James Webb Space Telescope could search for life. Here are four promising ones.

Earth’s Hardiest Bacteria Could Survive Hundreds of Millions of Years Just Under the Surface of Mars

2 years ago

A few years from now, a small capsule will enter Earth's atmosphere and float to the surface under a parachute.…

Dwarf Planet Haumea is one of the Stranger Objects in the Solar System. How did it get That way?

2 years ago

There's still a raging debate in some circles as to whether Pluto should be a planet or not. Ask an…

How to See the Bigger Picture From NASA’s Webb Space Telescope

2 years ago

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Side-by-side pictures from NASA’s 32-year-old Hubble Space Telescope and the brand-new James Webb Space Telescope may draw…

Webb Can Detect Planets Orbiting White Dwarfs, And Maybe Even See Signs of Life

2 years ago

In a recent study accepted to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, an international team of researchers led…

How Dangerous are Nearby Supernovae to Life on Earth?

2 years ago

Life and supernovae don't mix. From a distance, supernovae explosions are fascinating. A star more massive than our Sun runs…

Clearing the Air on a Trip to Mars: the NASA Particle Partition Challenge!

2 years ago

With $45,000 in prizes, NASA's Particle Partition Challenge is looking for innovative ideas on how to maintain breathable atmospheres for…

Occultation Chasers Nab the Shadow of Didymos, Post DART Impact

2 years ago

A worldwide team of dedicated observers ‘stood in the shadow’ of asteroid Didymos recently, as it passed in front of…

The Smallest, Lightest Neutron Star Ever Seen Could be a “Strange Star”

2 years ago

A neutron star lighter than the Sun could be a strange matter star.

Lucy Took This Picture of Earth as it was Making its Gravity Assist Maneuver

2 years ago

We may take it for granted, but every day we receive picture postcards from the robotic travelers we have sent…