Hubble Looks at Newly Forming Stars in a Stellar Nursery

2 years ago

When we look at images of star birth regions, they look both placid and active at the same time. That's…

Samples Returned From Mars Will be Protected by a Micrometeorite Shield

2 years ago

NASA engineers are developing and testing a shielding system to protect the Mars Sample Return mission from micormeterites and space…

Maybe We Don’t See Aliens Because Nobody Wants to Come Here

2 years ago

The Fermi Paradox won't go away. It's one of our most compelling thought experiments, and generations of scientists keep wrestling…

Webb and Hubble Peer Into the Wreckage of a Galactic Collision

2 years ago

Earlier this month we asked, what could be better than a pair of galaxies observed by a pair of iconic…

The New Ariane 6 Heavy Lift Rocket is Finally on the Launch Pad, But Won’t Liftoff Until Late 2023

2 years ago

A prototype of ESA’s new heavy lift rocket is now fully assembled and sitting on the launchpad at Europe’s Spaceport…

Lucy Zipped Past Earth to get a Gravitational Assist Towards Jupiter’s Trojans

2 years ago

Gravitational assists are marvels of orbital mechanics. Usually, they are done for a combination of fuel (i.e., cost) savings and…

NASA Provides a Timelapse Movie Showing How the Universe Changed Over 12 Years

2 years ago

The Universe is over 13 billion years old, so a 12-year slice of that time might seem uneventful. But a…

A Black Hole is Hurling a jet of Material at its Neighboring Galaxy

2 years ago

It's been a banner time for black hole research! In recent months, astrophysicists have announced the discovery of the most…

Scientists Find an Ancient Stellar Catalog Written by Hipparcus Hidden in a Medieval Tome

2 years ago

Spectral imaging reveals the Hipparchus astronomical catalog was much more precise than we thought.

A Nearby Star Has Completely Blasted Away the Atmosphere From its Planet

2 years ago

What if you placed an Earth-sized planet in a close orbit around an M-dwarf star? It's more than an academic…