Webb Sees a Cluster of Galaxies Feeding a Quasar

2 years ago

There's a galaxy protocluster out there in the distant universe that's waving some tantalizing clues about cosmic history at astronomers.…

A Monster Black Hole has Been Found Right in our Backyard (Astronomically Speaking)

2 years ago

Using data from multiple observstories, a team of astronomers has discovered a monster blackhole right in our backyard!

First 100 Days of James Webb. Everything You Need to Know

2 years ago

Exactly 100 days ago NASA revealed the first images from James Webb Space Telescope. Carina nebula, SMACS 0723, WASP-96b, Southern…

Astronomers Chart the Influence of Dark Matter and Dark Energy on the Universe by Measuring Over 1,500 Supernovae

2 years ago

Two decades of supernova observations still leave big mysteries unsolved.

Curiosity Arrives in a Salty Region of Mars. Was it Left Over From a Dying Sea?

2 years ago

The Curiosity rover has now reached its primary target on Mount Sharp on Mars, the mountain in the middle of…

What’s the Best Shielding to Protect Astronauts on Mars?

2 years ago

New research shows that the best way to protect future Martian astronauts from deadly solar radiation is as simple as…

Our Guide to Tuesday’s Partial Solar Eclipse for Europe

2 years ago

Europe, the Middle East, and northeast Africa will see the final solar eclipse of 2022 next Tuesday.

Astronomers Just saw the Most Powerful Gamma-ray Burst Ever Recorded

2 years ago

In a series of studies, two teams of astronomers shared their data on the closest and most powerful gamma ray…

Here’s Webb’s View of the Pillars of Creation

2 years ago

The James Webb Space Telescope is living up to expectations. When it was launched, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said it…

The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs Also Flooded the World's Coastlines With a Catastrophic Tsunami

2 years ago

New research shows that in addition to killing the dinosaurs, the Chicxulub Impact caused a global tsunami 30,000 more powerful…