New Girder Bolted to Station

22 years ago

Atlantis astronauts Jerry Ross and Lee Morin completed a seven hour spacewalk on Saturday to finish bolting the newly installed…

Third Spacewalk Successful

22 years ago

Astronauts Steven Smith and Rex Walheim spent a productive day in space on Sunday as they continued to extend the…

Looking for Asteroids in the Earth’s Blindspot

22 years ago

Lately it seems that astronomers are discovering potentially harmful asteroids after they nearly miss our planet. This is because they're…

New Railcar Has a Few Glitches

22 years ago

After installing their new railcar on the International Space Station yesterday, NASA wanted to take it for a spin. The…

Astronomers Find Five Double Asteroid Systems

22 years ago

Image credit: Cornell According to researchers from Cornell University, binary asteroids - where a small asteroid orbits a larger one…

Looking for More Earths

22 years ago

One of the most exciting fields of research in astronomy is the search for extrasolar planets, and eventually the search…

Atlantis Docks with the Station

22 years ago

Image credit: NASA After its second day in space, Atlantis caught up, and docked with, the International Space Station. Its…

The Odds for Space Tourism – Shorter than Ever?

22 years ago

With 'space tourist' Mark Shuttleworth heading to the International Space Station this month, and other visits in the pipeline, space…

New Evidence Raises Hopes of Life on Mars

22 years ago

Scientists believe there may be chlorophyll, a substance used by plants to extract energy from sunlight, located near the landing…

Hubble Gets Back to Work

22 years ago

After three weeks of tests, NASA controllers have given the newly upgraded Hubble Space Telescope a clean bill of health.…