Secretive Atlantis Countdown Starts

22 years ago

NASA began the countdown for Thursday's launch of the space shuttle Atlantis; however, the specific launch time is still being…

Odyssey Serves Up Canyon Images

22 years ago

Image credit: NASA Now in its final orbit, Mars Odyssey is getting to work searching for water on the surface…

Gemini Builds Animation of Galactic Core

22 years ago

Image credit: Gemini The Gemini Observatory located on top of Hawaii's Mauna Kea has been used to create an animation…

NASA Showcases its Airbag System

22 years ago

Image credit: NASA It was a bit of a rough ride, but Pathfinder arrived on the surface of Mars back…

Galileo Navigation System is a Go

22 years ago

European transport ministers have approved a plan to develop Galileo, a satellite navigation system. Galileo, which is due to come…

Hubble Reveals Blue Galaxy Ablaze with Star Formation

23 years ago

A new photo released from the Hubble Space Telescope shows how galaxy NGC 7673 is teeming with hot star nurseries.…

NASA Classifies Shuttle Launch Times

23 years ago

NASA officials have decided to keep the exact time of launch of the next space shuttle a secret until 24…

New Evidence of the Universe’s Expansion

23 years ago

A team of UK and Australian astronomers have come up with independent evidence that the expansion of the universe is…

Asteroid Discovered After a Near Miss

23 years ago

Astronomers discovered a new asteroid, four days after it made a near miss of the Earth. The object, now called…

Six Telescopes Acting as One

23 years ago

Image credit: USNO Astronomers from several US observatories announced that they have successfully merged the light from six independent telescopes…