Bow Shock in a Merging Galactic Cluster

23 years ago

A new image taken by the Chandra X-Ray observatory reveals a bow-shaped shock wave towards one side of an extremely…

Atlas III Lofts EchoStar Satellite

23 years ago

The second flight of the Atlas 3B rocket lifted off from Florida today, carrying an EchoStar 7 direct broadcasting satellite…

Martian Floods Could be Recent

23 years ago

Scientists from the University of Arizona believe that water may have erupted onto the surface of Mars as recently as…

Odyssey Mapping Mission Begins

23 years ago

After months of orbital manoeuvres, the Mars Odyssey spacecraft is ready to get to work searching for water on the…

Families Might Make the Best Spacefarers

23 years ago

According to John Moore, a University of Florida anthropologist, families might have the right social dynamic to take on long…

First Detection of Short Gamma Ray Burst Afterglow

23 years ago

Scientists believe they have spotted the first evidence of a radiation afterglow from short gamma-ray bursts. The afterglow from the…

Saturn Obscured by the Moon on Wednesday

23 years ago

Astronomers will have a treat on Wednesday when the planet Saturn sneaks behind a quarter moon and then return approximately…

Dust Disks Could Indicate Planets

23 years ago

A newly detected dust ring, just outside the orbit of Saturn could help astronomers have come up with a new…

New Evidence Supports Formation Theory for Rapidly Spinning Pulsars

23 years ago

Combining images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as data from radio observatories, astronomers from the European Space…

Moon Could Still Have Molten Interior

23 years ago

Astronomers have calculated that the Moon, pulled by the gravity of the Earth and the Sun, may bulge as much…