Hypernova Remnants Discovered Considered mere supernovas until recently, astronomers have discovered the remnants of two massive hypernovas in nearby galaxy…
Military Satellite in Incorrect Orbit Military officials have confirmed that the Defense Support Program satellite entered an incorrect orbit after…
Stardust Passes Mars Probes The Stardust spacecraft has passed the slower moving Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander spacecraft…
Moon to Eclipse Aldebaran Astronomers are preparing for April 18th, when the moon will pass in front of Aldebaran, one…
Delta 3 Launch Scrubbed After three attempts to launch the Boeing Delta 3 rocket carrying the Orion 3 satellite, engineers…
Hubble Captures Tarantula Nebula The Hubble team has released its latest photo of the heavens. This time the space telescope…
Viking Location Wrong All Along Astronomers have incorrectly reported Viking Lander 1's location on Mars' surface for over 20 years.…
Hardy Bacteria Proves Life Has Few Limits In order to understand how life could exist on other worlds in our…
Mir Cosmonaut Contacts Students To help announce the opening of a new program to connect 2,000 schools through the Internet,…
Comets an Unlikely Source for Earth's Water New data gathered by Caltech offers evidence against the long-standing theory that the…