Two “Super Mercury” Exoplanets Found in a Single System

2 years ago

There's a star system out there with three super-Earth planets and two super-Mercuries. Super-Earths are fairly familiar types of exoplanets,…

A Computer Algorithm is 88% Accurate in Finding Gravitational Lenses

2 years ago

Astronomers have been assessing a new machine learning algorithm to determine how reliable it is for finding gravitational lenses hidden…

A Single High-Resolution Image of Dimorphos Stacked From DART’s Final Images

2 years ago

Here’s a sharper view of Dimorphos, the small asteroid moonlet that the DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) spacecraft intentionally crashed…

A Dwarf Galaxy Passed Close to the Milky Way and Left Ripples in its Wake

2 years ago

An ancient collison with the Milky Way is still causing ripples in our galaxy according to Gaia data.

Stars Spiral Inward to the Cores of Stellar Nurseries

2 years ago

Astronomers studying a stellar cluster within the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) have found young stars spiraling in towards the center…

Mysterious Europa Gets an Extreme Closeup From NASA’s Juno Probe

2 years ago

Over the course of a brief two-hour opportunity, NASA's Juno spacecraft captured a rare close look at Europa, an ice-covered…

The Moon was Pummeled by Asteroids at the Same Time the Dinosaurs Died. Coincidence?

2 years ago

It only takes a quick look at the Moon to see its impact-beaten surface. There are craters everywhere. Some of…

DART Impact Seen by Hubble and Webb

2 years ago

What happens when you whack a little asteroid with an even littler spacecraft? People around the world watched on the…

NASA and SpaceX Will Study Low-Cost Plan to Give Hubble a Boost

2 years ago

NASA and SpaceX say they'll conduct a feasibility study into a plan to reboost the 32-year-old Hubble Space Telescope to…

The First Telescope Images of DART's Impact are Starting to Arrive

2 years ago

The ESA just released a video that shows the DART mission impacting the double-asteroid system of Didymos and Dimorphos.